Candace Webb

Candace Webb (she/her) writes from Belmont, MA on the traditional territory of the Pawtucket people and the Massachusetts tribal nation, where she lives with her partner, two children, and two cats. Her human companions are tame; her cats are not. You can find her work in Five on the Fifth and Emerge Literary Journal. Her work was nominated for the Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize anthologies in 2022, and she was a finalist in Room Magazine‘s 2022 Short Forms Contest. She is a reader for Flash Fiction Magazine.
Fiction: “The Swimming Hole,” Five on the Fifth, Vol. 7, Issue 5, 2022.
Creative Non-Fiction: “Pigeon Lake,” Emerge Literary Journal, Issue 22, 2022. Nominated for 2022 Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize.
Humour: “Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You: An Employee Handbook,” Defenestration, May 8, 2024.
Article: “How I Published in Five on the Fifth,” Articles & Guides, Rachel Thompson Writerly Love Community.
“An Interview with Candace Webb,” Emerge Literary Journal: Featured Writer, Issue 22, 2022.
Episode #71: Touch, Sight, and the Sixth Sense in Writing, Write, Publish & Shine Podcast, April 4, 2023.
© Candace Webb, 2022–2024.